Aug 20, 2022Liked by Sean Arthur Joyce

A great summary of what I suspect is repeated in many small communities across Canada and beyond.

Our governments are removing what we collectively took for granted as a part of the social contract. No more health care as we knew it, freedom to roam, farm, or have an opinion that is at odds with the dictated narrative.

Maybe it is time to do some changing ourselves.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Sean Arthur Joyce

A real stampede of pachyderms in this room. Bonnie Henry is dangerous to healthcare n BC! Thanks for filling us in , Sean. I doubt I’d have seen this in the lame stream media. Up yours Bonnie! You’ve got to go. Your overprotective grandmother act was always obnoxious, but fooled many…now your charade is plainly visible. And the NDP: from socialism lite to social credit. It’s time for a new party in BC. It has happened before

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Well Finn you're doing some of the most vital work anyone can do right now—tilling the Earth and growing food! All the best...

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If you're coming this way you could message me on LinkedIn (I do no other social media) or contact me through my website: https://www.seanarthurjoyce.ca/contact

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Finn, if only we could sit down together over a pint of Guinness! That would be a great conversation I'm sure.

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Thanks Glen. I wish it was as simple as forming a new political party and then electing them to the legislature. The problem is that, just as with our medical systems, our political system is completely corrupt and dysfunctional. The first-past-the-post electoral system perpetuates the corruption, as when Trudeau can have a "majority" with only 37 percent of the popular vote. But of course, those in power are quite happy with the status quo. Both Trudeau and past BC governments have repeatedly sabotaged any attempt at electoral reform—multiple times in BC. Fair Vote Canada soldiers on bravely but is studiously ignored by politicians.

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