Pole Shift
An excerpt of three poems from the 12-poem sequence
If it seems to you the worldis upside down, north is south,and south north, then it is.Trust your intuition, it seldom lies.No longer is Hell “down there”somewhere. Dante’sSeven Circles of Hell nowspiral upward, while Heavenbarely clings to the soles of our feet.The dust we shake off our shoesall that’s left of the angelswe exiled to irrelevancy.This is what happenswhen we cultivate the Luciferinside, elevate ourselvesto be the “Shining One”at God’s right hand.The prayers of billionstry to lift the dead weightfrom our brows, to no avail.This pole shift moves, quickand silent on snowy paws,thirty-five miles a year, headedfor Siberia. The clawprintsof its hunting track pull usbehind—human soulsso many iron filingsto a magnet.
Watchers of the skies,where are you all? What has becomeof Athens’ stargazers and their pupils?Why have our cities blindedthe stars’ eyes? Why are allthe mountaintop lookouts vacant?Lighthouse keepers a dampimprint of salt on a sea-bashedtower. All beacons aimed downward,into the unlit blackness, the abyssof self. Do not forsake us,ancestors, whose breathleft its imprint on timeand mutters just beyond hearing.Help us understand, rollwith the compass, not be tornto matchsticks. Come to usin dreams, in a distracted,inspired drift: This way lies
ground that will not give way,nor betray the foot that truststo its weight. Here, when birdschatter, you will finallyunderstand, and no wingswill lose their way.
You don’t know one handfrom the other. Left is right,right is left. Don’t look to one side orthe other—lockstep, fixed stare.Walk around with hair stiff,electric on your neck with fear.We hunt down scapegoatswhile serial monsters roam free.Friends become enemies,strangers family.O enemy of mine, you areeverywhere, and always herebeating in this head.O Thanatos, let me yearn for lifeas much as for you—your quietsoft as black velvet.Aurora borealis a tricky dancer,glitter in the eye, shuffling firstsouthwest, then back east;scientists disagree, confused.Poets throw back their headsand let it rain, rain, rain.
A great excerpt. That about describes the state of the world as we know it. Not only the physical pole shift, but the actual state of humans on the planet.